Decoration ideas to brighten up your cast

2021-12-08 05:51:59 By : Ms. Srainar Wu

Jonathan Cluett, MD, is a committee-certified plastic surgeon with specialist training in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery.

Marley Hall is a writer and fact checker, certified in clinical and translational research. Her work has been published in medical journals in the field of surgery and has won numerous awards for educational publications.

Fractures happen frequently, and almost everyone may have to put on a cast at some point in their lives. Many people associate casting handling and casting decoration concepts with children and child injuries. But everyone should have a cast that can be proud of.

The cast is usually not as interesting as we thought when we were young. So why not make the most of it and let you and the people around you have a great day. Here are some favorite ways to brighten up your cast.

Most doctors who apply plaster have multiple color plaster options. Popular colors are bright neon pink, green and orange. Some people prefer the color of their favorite sports team or school. There are even luminous casting materials.

One suggestion, if you have trouble keeping your cast clean (to be honest), you will want a darker color. Children usually expect their friends to be able to sign their cast; there is a marker that can be used even in the darkest colors (see below). Try using silver ink pens on darker color casts.

Combining projection colors or using two color projections is fine, but it is usually suitable for longer projections (projections above and below the elbow or knee). Casting color usually uses one color on the roll, and only use different colors when you need multiple rolls of casting material.

If you want a multi-color model, you can use some camouflage materials or other model materials with multi-color patterns.

Not that advice is needed, because signing your casting has been a favorite of generations of fracture patients, but it is more difficult to sign fiberglass castings than old-style plaster castings. However, it can be done. Just buy a thick marker pen. If you have a darker color, you can buy a thick-pointed silver marker pen that works well.

Before you hand over the pen, remember that most of the ink will remain on the casting during your treatment. Although your friends may find their witty marks to be humorous, you must live with the actors.

Several companies and entrepreneurs manufacture decorative castings. You can find these products that can be ordered online, including on Amazon and Etsy.

An example is CastCoverz!, a company that produces fashionable covers for castings, splints, boots and slings. With a variety of designs and fabrics to choose from, CastCoverz can also prevent hooks and scratches, and can be easily removed for cleaning.

One of the advantages of these types of covers is that your cast can change with your mood or style. Unlike the aforementioned decorations, the lid is detachable, replaceable, and perhaps most importantly, washable.

The cast cover is a great way to keep the cast clean, and for those who are obsessed with matching outfits, this is a way to keep you stylish.

Casttoos are tattoos made for castings. It can be difficult to draw complex designs on the rough surface of a casting, but Casttoo can solve this problem for you. All you need is a hair dryer to make the casttoo design fit your plaster.

The great thing is that there are castings for all sizes and colors, let alone for all types of people. For friends who have broken bones, these are also a good gift idea for a quick recovery.

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Children's health. Cool cast. Updated in January 2014.

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